COVID-19 & Benefits of the Cloud
The lives of many and the global economy have recently been thrust into uncertainty. As of this writing, COVID-19 has forced many businesses to cut hours, lay-off workers, or even close permanently. Not to mention the operational strain currently placed on the healthcare system, delivery/shipping services, and those from almost every other industry. We know this will pass - it's what will happen between now and then that has many concerned. For the businesses that can, having employees work from home has become the solution to slow the bleeding. Will US businesses that were previously against it now let sick employees work from home instead? Or will a realization of lost productivity cause businesses to dig their heels in once and for all that you need to be in the office to be productive? Many have written about ways to better work from home and how to keep a connection with co-workers despite the proverbial water-cooler no longer being there. Then of course there i